Ever wonder how so many amazing books and inventions came about, ever wonder if serious Drug use was behind some of history's greatest men and woman. Well pioneers in literature, inventions, government,human rights and even a few pope's have been avid users of Magic mushrooms, Morphine, marijuana and even cocaine. If you find this hidden part of history fascinating click the link below to find out why cocaine is no longer in Coca-Cola 😈 http://worldtruth.tv/why-they-took-cocaine-out-of-soda/ http://petercool217.blogspot.com/2015/05/nasa-finds-planet-coverd-in-marijuana.html?m=1
Is the human mind limited? Can we unleash super human powers? And if so how? If you realised you had unlocked these powers would you subjugate humanity or try and free them? If you freed them, would some of them try to stop you from freeing more? Are you ready for a world of super beings? If you cant answers these questions do not read the link below! Really go back to your peaceful world. http://fractalenlightenment.com/14950/spirituality/sun-gazing-why-you-should-be-doing-it
Have you ever really wanted to know everything? Or put better have you ever thought "What is everything?"" is this all random?" Or "Is stuff connected?". Have you wanted to rap your mind around the thought of infinity? And sit at the edge of forever. Warning it is easier than you think! But it will change you forever, and that is what you are "Forever". If your ready please read the link below. See you on the other side. http://fractalenlightenment.com/15458/fractals/understanding-the-fibonacci-sequence-and-golden-ratio
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